How I Streamlined My Show Bag Buying Experience


Now I start this article with a little secret, I am not much of a present buyer. However, thanks to my announcers Angela & Kiana, who overheard that I don’t buy show bags for my kids, they sent me as their radio producer on a show bag challenge, I needed to buy something they would actually like.

My little secret is no longer as it was broadcast live on show radio, the cat is out of the bag so to speak, figuratively speaking by the way, there are no show bags with cats in them.

Frankly I am terrible, I never know what to buy people and I generally find the whole shopping experience overwhelming I want to be in and out in the quickest time possible. The second problem was they told me what they liked but it was in one ear and out the other.

Once the challenge was set, I must admit my palms were sweaty and my heart skipped a beat.

That was until I remembered has a great show bag feature, you can create a Wishlist. Not only can you search via name, but age range and price range, panic averted.

Punch in a couple of search criteria, voila, we are almost done, right Angela first, enter my search criteria, off to stand number 13, couple more clicks off to stand number 5 for Kiana, now all I needed to do was grab and go and await their verdict.

Are these fake smiles…listen to the audio to find out.

Presenting my purchases live on Show Radio:


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