Ever seen black cow with a white strip in the middle? It may make you think of an oreo. These so-called ‘oreo cows’ are belted galloways! They’re a a minor breed of cattle which makes up part of the meet we eat.
Britt spoke to Andrew Monaghan, a belted galloway breeder, and discovered that the galloways are a one of the most ancient breeds that still exist – over 300 years old!
With Andrew was Mitchell Hutchen, an ex-Chifley College student. Chiffley’s Shalvey Campus was heavily involved in the cattle show this year, with the students caring for and presenting 4 steers and a bull (a steer is a castrated male, to control the bull population). This is the school’s 25th year at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, and they have been consistently successful in the competitions year after year! Keep up the great work, Shalvey Campus!
Belted galloways are very gentle and calm, so don’t be afraid to head down to the Cattle Pavilion and say hi!